1974 Born in Kanagawa, Japan
2000-2001 Tokyo College of Photography
2001 Assistant to Katsuji Takasaki
2002 Start working as a Freelance
Solo Exhibition
2019 “MOON” Vanilla Gallery(Tokyo)
2018 “BREATH” Micheko Galerie (Munich)
2016 "WAVE" Gallery Kogure (NY)
2018 “BREATH” Micheko Galerie (Munich)
2016 "WAVE" Gallery Kogure (NY)
2015 "BREATH" Soiz Galerie (Passau)
2013 “BREATH” Alternative Space in SEIBU Shibuya (Tokyo)
2012 “BREATH”&”MOON” Micheko Galerie (Munich)
2010 “BREATH” Micheko Galerie (Munich)
Group Exhibition
2025 “Marginal Art Fair Hirono” (Fukushima)
2024 “PHOTO LONDON" Somerset House(London)
2024 "THE ART HOUSE" Exhibition MYNAVI ART SQUARE(Tokyo)
2024 "THE ART HOUSE" Exhibition MYNAVI ART SQUARE(Tokyo)
2023 "icon contemporary Photography 2023" AXIS Gallery(Tokyo)
2022 "icon contemporary Photography" AXIS Gallery(Tokyo)
2020 "Paradise Lost" Vanilla Gallery(Tokyo)
2019 ”Japanese Nudes” Japanmuseum SieboldHuis (Leiden)
2018 “Jin-Zo” Emon Gallery (Tokyo)
2018 “FINE LINE” sansiao Gallery HK(HongKong)
2017 "Waves and Emotions" Micheko Galerie (Munich)
2017 “GOTH II - Conception” Vanilla Gallery(Tokyo)
2018 “Jin-Zo” Emon Gallery (Tokyo)
2018 “FINE LINE” sansiao Gallery HK(HongKong)
2017 "Waves and Emotions" Micheko Galerie (Munich)
2017 “GOTH II - Conception” Vanilla Gallery(Tokyo)
Moscow International Foto Awards 2014 Bronze in a Book - Fine Art for “BREATH”
International Photography Awards 2012 2nd place in People (other) for "MOON”
PX3 PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE PARIS 2010 2nd place in Fine art (nudes) for "BREATH"
Xto image award 2010 1st place in Body in Nature for “BREATH”
International Photography Awards 2009 2nd place in Special (moving images) for "BREATH”
International Photography Awards 2009 1st place in People (other) for "BREATH”
International Photography Awards 2007 1st place for "WAVE”
Artist’s statement
My work explores the fundamental human desire for "control." Consciously or unconsciously, we all have the impulse to control everything around us, including nature, life, and others. But what does this desire ultimately bring?
Before becoming a photographer, I worked as a chef. Through the daily experience of cooking countless lives of plants and animals, I confronted the reality that a single life is supported by many deaths, which became the foundation of my artistic vision.
Growing up surrounded by the sea in Kanagawa Prefecture, my encounter with scuba diving gave me an even deeper perspective. The beauty of sunlight seen from underwater, the daily lives of aquatic creatures, and myself as a human being allowed to glimpse their world for a moment. In the world woven by water, light, and living beings, I was fascinated by the essence of "water," which is indispensable to humans yet never submits or panders to us.
Expressing "control" through this relationship with water is the starting point of my photography. My works are born from calculated coincidences.
The "BREATH" series focuses on breathing. Breathing, which is essential for living beings to survive, is constantly repeated while we are alive, and its cessation signifies death. In the extraordinary environment of being underwater, we can confront the value and existence of breathing, which we are not usually aware of. When covered with water, human inner fears surface, and the inability to breathe exposes our attachment to life. By placing ourselves in extreme situations with models and challenging the limits of life, I explore the balance between control and chance. In the movements of the body that do not go as intended, I found the essence of what it means for humans to "live."
The "MOON" series depicts the rhythm of life guided by moonlight. The moon has brought important rhythms to life on Earth through the tides, promoting the evolution of living things. The sea illuminated only by moonlight reminds us of the original natural rhythm. Through the interplay of moonlight reflected on the water's surface and the human body, I poetically express the boundary between life and death. The eternal hair embracing the memory of life (DNA) symbolizes a message passed down through generations. The moonlight emerging in the dark night illuminates the boundary between the fundamental desires of life and the inevitability of death.
The "WAVE" series explores the relationship between humans and nature through a person lying in a mere 13 centimeters of shallow waves. The person surrendering to the waves reflects two opposing relationships. One is the quiet acceptance of becoming one with nature by letting the waves wash away masks and decorations. The other is the vitality to maintain human existence and individuality, resisting complete fusion with nature. By combining cold, hard glass with the soft texture of plaster, I give form to the complex human emotions of seeking unity with nature while feeling resistance to complete fusion.
The "OCEAN" series attempts a dialogue with the broader environment. Various things washed ashore on the beach suggest that even if we want to forget the past, facts continue to exist there. By creating artificial unevenness with charred charcoal and scraped traces on the raw wood that makes use of natural damage, I express the coexistence of nature and artificiality. The plaster incorporates the sand from each shooting location, harboring the memory of the place. I capture how humans, as part of nature, coexist while failing, repairing, and struggling.
Artistic influences are diverse. Various cultural elements such as the flatness of ukiyo-e, Western classical art, science fiction anime, and contemporary dance are reflected in the works. The waves in "WAVE" evoke Hokusai, and the bubbles in "BREATH" suggest the universe. These are also attempts to inherit the Japanese visual language in the present.
The experience of growing up in the Japanese archipelago, with its many volcanoes and earthquakes, fostered a deep sense of awe for the power of nature. In the Shinto worldview, death is part of the fluid cycle of nature, like water. This philosophy underlies my art-making, which fuses technology and tradition. Collaborations with excellent dancers and athletes become powerful metaphors expressing the dynamism of life and the strength and fragility of human beings.
Just as this world is composed of yin and yang, control also has the dual nature of domination and coexistence. We humans, who try to dominate nature and possess the wisdom to coexist with it, how should we strike a balance with these two aspects?
My work questions human existence through the essence of water. It is the interaction of life and death, creation and destruction, control and liberation. It is precisely because certain death exists that life shines brightly. I want to continue asking questions, through photography, about the deep meaning of existence that we tend to overlook in our daily lives.
神奈川県の海に囲まれた環境で育った私は、スキューバダイビングとの出会いによって、さらに深い視座を得ました。水中から見る太陽の光の美しさ、水中生物の日常、その世界をひとときだけ見せてもらう人間としての自分。水と光と生命体が織りなす世界で、私は人間にとって不可欠でありながら、決して屈服することも迎合することもない「水」の本質に魅了されました。 この水との関係性を通じて「コントロール」を表現することが、私のフォトグラファーとしての原点です。私の作品は、計算された偶然から生まれます。
「MOON」シリーズでは、月の光に導かれる生命のリズムを描いています。月は潮の満ち引きを通じて地球の生命に重要なリズムをもたらし、生物の進化を促してきました。月明かりだけが照らす海は、本来の自然なリズムを思い起こさせます。水面に映る月明かりと人体の交わりを通じて、生と死の境界を詩的に表現しています。永遠に残り続ける髪が生命の記憶(DNA)を包み込む姿は、世代を超えて受け継がれるメッセージを象徴しています。闇夜に浮かび上がる月の光は、生命の根源的な欲求と避けられない死との境界線を照らし出します。 「WAVE」シリーズでは、たった13センチメートルの浅い波の中に横たわる人物を通して、人間と自然の関係性を探ります。波に身を任せた人物は、二つの相反する関係性を映し出しています。一つは、波に身を委ねることで仮面や飾りが洗い流され、自然と一つになろうとする静かな受容。もう一つは、完全な自然との融合に抗う、人間としての存在や個性を保とうとする生命力です。冷たく硬いガラスと柔らかな質感の漆喰を組み合わせることで、自然との一体化を求めながらも完全な融合には抵抗を感じる人間の複雑な感情を形にしています。 「OCEAN」シリーズでは、より広い環境との対話を試みています。海岸に漂着する様々なものが、過去を忘れたくても事実は消えずにそこに存在し続けることを示唆しています。自然な損傷を活かした無垢材に、焦がした炭や削り取った痕で人工的な凹凸を作り出すことで、自然と人工の共存を表現しています。漆喰にはそれぞれの撮影地の砂浜が練り込まれ、場所の記憶を宿しています。人間も自然の一部として、失敗し、修復し、もがきながら共存していく様を捉えています。
芸術的影響は多岐にわたります。浮世絵の平面性、西洋古典美術、SFアニメ、現代舞踊など、様々な文化的要素が作品に反映されています。「WAVE」の波は北斎を想起させ、「BREATH」の泡は宇宙を思わせます。これらは日本の視覚言語を現代に継承する試みでもあります。 火山と地震の多い日本列島で育った経験は、自然の力に対する深い畏怖の念を育みました。神道的世界観において、死は水のように流動的な自然の循環の一部です。この思想は、テクノロジーと伝統を融合させた私の作品制作の根底にあります。優れたダンサーやアスリートとのコラボレーションは、生命の力動性と人間の強さと脆さを表現する力強い隠喩となっています。 この世界は陰と陽で構成されているように、コントロールもまた支配と共存という二面性を持っています。自然を支配しようとする人類と、自然と共存してきた叡智を持つ人間—この二面性を持つ私たちは、いかにしてバランスを取るべきでしょうか。