Tomohide Ikeya solo exhibition – WAVE –
LOWER AKIHABARA. is pleased to announce a solo exhibition of Tomohide Ikeya.
Tomohide Ikeya is a photographer who approaches the roots of life through water. In this exhibition, Ikeya expresses how age, gender, title, etc. become invalid and become a part of nature by photographing a person who is being hit by a violent wave. The photographs are made by fixing glass on plaster prints in the form of a mosaic, and each photograph will be exhibited only once.
Please come and see the exhibition.
Please come and see the exhibition.
Visualized by splashing waves
The boundary between nature and man.
The boundary between nature and man.
The existence of a human being lying on the waves at a depth of only 5 inches.
of only 5 inches deep, the human being lies at the edge of the waves.
There, resistance to nature and
and even a sense of powerlessness from the helplessness of being swept away by the violent waves.
of only 5 inches deep, the human being lies at the edge of the waves.
There, resistance to nature and
and even a sense of powerlessness from the helplessness of being swept away by the violent waves.
Waves that engulf anyone.
People lying on the beach as wreckage.
The wave strips people of titles such as status, gender, and age,
and treat people as an obstacle to the flow of nature.
People lying on the beach as wreckage.
The wave strips people of titles such as status, gender, and age,
and treat people as an obstacle to the flow of nature.
At the same time, however
At the same time, however, there stands the irresistible fact that human beings are also part of nature.
at the same time, the irresistible fact that human beings are also part of nature stands in the way.
At the same time, however, there stands the irresistible fact that human beings are also part of nature.
at the same time, the irresistible fact that human beings are also part of nature stands in the way.
Fusion and separation.
How can we overcome the contradiction
How can we overcome the contradiction between the two?
WAVE" is a film about people being swept away by the waves.
and the boundary between the wave and human beings,
and the relationship between humans and nature.
How can we overcome the contradiction
How can we overcome the contradiction between the two?
WAVE" is a film about people being swept away by the waves.
and the boundary between the wave and human beings,
and the relationship between humans and nature.
Performance by Butoh dancing-master Daisuke Yoshimoto
August 26, 2016
17:30 - 18:30
Capacity: 30 people
Admission for children under 10 years old is not permitted.
■How to apply
Please apply to LOWERAKIHABARA. by e-mail or phone.
mail :
TEL : +81 3 5215 2877
Please apply to LOWERAKIHABARA. by e-mail or phone.
mail :
TEL : +81 3 5215 2877
When applying, please send an e-mail to
mail subject>8/26/Iketani Exhibition WAVE/Performance Application
Representative's name (furigana)
Contact information (e-mail, TEL)
Number of applicants
Please let us know the following information.
mail subject>8/26/Iketani Exhibition WAVE/Performance Application
Representative's name (furigana)
Contact information (e-mail, TEL)
Number of applicants
Please let us know the following information.