5 inch deep waves.
With the waves that swirl around the human lying on the shore,
Even if they try to identify themselves as something different from the others,
the wave wash out everything from them and forces them to
recognize what they really are,
being merely powerless against nature.
As the wave is taking everything even pride away from the human,
the body lying as debris along the beach becoming an integral part of nature.
However, there is a certain power in their eyes reflecting their resistances.
「WAVE」 Expressed by glass and plaster matière, is sometimes sharp and powerful.
By capturing the complex emotion in their deep minds toward nature,
it shows the contradiction between “Integration and Resistance
横たわると 寄せては返す波の中で その存在さえあやふやになる。
人間である自分が「確固たる何か」であるのだともがいたところで 波は、
何もかもを洗い流し 無力さを再確認させられる。
ただの物体と化して 波と融合し
しかしその瞳には 流れを拒絶し
「WAVE」は ガラスと漆喰のマチエールによって 時に鋭く力強く、
時に滑らかに 自然に対する人間の複雑な感情の中にある